

Master Craftsmanship

The School of Master Craftsm­anship is for stu­dents who have completed a jour­neym­an’s exam­ination in a certified trade.

The School of Master Craftsm­anship offers dynamic study programmes in bus­iness operation and mana­gement in order to qualify master craftsmen to teach and train app­rentices and to operate bus­inesses.


Study Programmes

The Master Craftsmanship study programme is divided into the three following fields of study:

  1. General academic subjects that are required within the chosen trade, i.e. core subjects.
  2. Courses in business operation and management, electives of either the student or the field.
  3. Subjects within the chosen trade, electives of either the student or the field.

Studies at the School of Master Craftsm­anship are available as dist­ance learning courses. Stu­dents can decide for themselves how many courses they complete each semester. The programme set-up aims at students being able to work full time while studying. However, there is an obligatory on campus session twice each semester, which takes place in the Technical Col­lege at Háteigs­vegur.

The Mini­stry of Education, Science and Culture sets the standards for length of study and the number of credits that may vary depending on vocati­onal trades. The curriculum is available on the Min­istry of Education, Science and Culture website.

The obj­ective of the master craftsm­anship study programmes is to provide those who have completed a jour­neym­an’s exam­ination with fur­ther education as well as training in project management, teaching app­rentices professi­onal workm­anship, safety rules and their vocati­onal trade. Upon completing the studies, the master craftsmen receive a Master Craftsm­anship Diploma issued by the local district comm­issi­oner.


Welcome to the School of Master Craftsmanship

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

- Greeting from the headmaster

The program is organized with the aim that students can be in full employment. Obligation is, however, a standard session twice a semester, which takes place in the Technical College at háteigsvegi.

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

  • Skólastjóri Endurmenntunarskólans og Tækniakademíunnar
  • [email protected]
  • s. 514 9601 / 865 5954


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