

30. December 2018

Taking steps to Eco School

Taking steps to Eco School

Increasing knowledge and promoting respect for nature and the environment

Land­vernd, the Icelandic Environment Association, IEA, is a nati­onal non-govern­mental org­an­ization focusing on environmental issues.
The IEA has sent the Technical Col­lege Reykjavík con­fir­mation of participation in the seven steps required to gain app­roval as a green flag Eco-School.
IEA Land­vernd posts the following information about the project on their website:

Eco School

Eco Schools is one of the five educati­onal programs run by the Foundation for Environmental Education  (FEE). It is an internati­onal award program that guides schools on their journey tow­ards a sustainable school environment. The program provides a simple framework to help make sustaina­bility an integral part of school life. Eco-Schools can help enhance the curriculum and get the whole school united behind important environmental issues says, mong other things. The steps are seven specific proj­ects dresses to raise awar­eness of stu­dents, teachers and other school staff about environmental issues. They Strengthen the foundation for a Responsible attitude Taken and imp­lemented specific initiatives in environmental and sustaina­bility Within the school.