

Metal, machinery, technology and science

The school of marine eng­ineering offers study programmes in metal turning, steel constructioni, marine eng­ineering and practical eng­ineering that prepare stu­dents for their jour­neym­an’s exam­ination. Stu­dents can add general aca­demic courses to their studies to complete a mat­riculation exam­ination parallel to their vocati­onal studies.

The studies include both practical and theor­etical courses. Practical courses are taught in Háteigs­vegur, Reykjavík and in Flata­hraun, Hafn­ar­fjörður. Theor­etical studies are available as on site and dist­ance learning.

Study Programmes

Studies in Marine Eng­ineering are divided into four levels A, B, C and D. The qualifications are cumulative as the study progresses. The study programme is a comb­ination of practical training in metal technology, engine theory, refrigeration technique, electro technics and related theor­etical courses.

The stu­dents are trained in using machinery and technical equip­ment in specialised works­hops and engine simulators. The studies are based on a recogn­ized curriculum and are in accor­d­ance with IMO quality stand­ards.

Eng­ineer officers and Chief eng­ineer officers work on ships, in power plants and elsewhere where an extensive know­ledge of machinery and technical equip­ment is required. After completing the School of Marine Eng­ineering and an accred­ited training programme, stu­dents are qualified for positions all over the world on vessels of all sizes and types; fis­hing vessels, cargo ships as well as large passenger ships.

The school also offers an eng­ineer programme tow­ards internati­onal qualifications and mat­riculation, metal technology and forging.

Aircraft main­ten­ance eng­ineering offers many job opport­unities all across the country as well as abroad. Graduates from Technical Col­lege Reykjavík have gone on to work for Icelandair, the Icelandic coast guard and Air Atlanta, among others. The field offers many opport­unities for cont­inuing education and exp­anding your know­ledge.

All the courses are taught in Ice­land but the course language is English. Stu­dents are divided into classes and the study programme cons­ists of three phases: aca­demic courses, practical courses and an internship. After completing their courses in school, stu­dents complete a payed app­renticeship.

Classes start in the fall and only 25 stu­dents are admitted per year.

Aircraft maintenance engineering is taught in english.

Read more here

Eart­hworks is a study programme for those prep­aring to work or cur­rently working for ground contractors in various specialities. These include landscaping, exca­vating, earth moving, groundwork, road preparation, surface levelling and more.

The programme gives stu­dents insight into the procedures, techniques and technologies needed to work in this industry. The programme focuses on practical proj­ects, both written and hands on, tail­ored to the indi­vidual stu­dent and in line with the requirements of the industry.

The programme emp­hasises the latest technology and hands on learning. Stu­dents train using state of the art simulators on the campus in Hafn­ar­fjörður as well as fur­ther practical training in colla­boration with ground contractors.

The programmes teachers are ass­isted by industry special­ists who also take part in the develop­ment of the studies.


Welcome to the School of Marine Eng­ineering

Víglundur Laxdal Sverrisson

Ship control is a vibrant and creative job.

Greetings from the headmaster

The school of marine eng­ineering welcomes stu­dents who want to acquire a practical high quality technical education. Various job opport­unities await stu­dents on completing the studies.

Studies at the school of Marine Eng­ineering take place in Háteigs­vegur as well as in Hafn­ar­fjörður (Flata­hraun and Gjótu­hraun).

We look forward to seeing you.

Víglundur Laxdal Sverrisson

  • Skólastjóri Véltækniskólans og Skipstjórnarskólans
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