

The school offers quality supp­lementary education for students who have completed a mat­riculation exam­ination or a vocati­onal study programme, we also have a variety of general courses open to the public.

Courses in the School of Continuing Education

The school offers evening and weekend courses such as drawing, oil painting, book­making, book­binding, furniture repairs, welding, guitar making, wood car­ving, sil­versmit­hing, uphol­stery, sewing and les­sons in using iPad/iPhone. Other courses are stone pol­is­hing, packaging design, computer game programming, 3D design and many more. The school also offers specialized courses for comp­anies and org­an­izations. Most trade uni­ons’ educati­onal funds sponsor their mem­bers’ participation in the courses.

The school offers preparatory courses for licensing on recreati­onal craft, radar plotting, digital nautical charts and information systems, and various other courses for seam­anship and sailing. Most trade uni­ons’ educati­onal funds sponsor their mem­bers’ participation in these courses.


Welcome to the School of Continuing Education

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

Greetings from the headmaster

We offer a variety of evening and weekend classes, where many people can find somet­hing that relates to their interests.

We also offer numerous courses for the public and specialised courses for empl­oyees in various industries as well as preparatory study programmes for a jour­neym­an’s exam­ination.

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

  • Skólastjóri Endurmenntunarskólans og Tækniakademíunnar
  • [email protected]
  • s. 514 9601 / 865 5954


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