

Nýnemaferð 2018

Technical Col­lege Reykjavík has a cafeteria which offers hot meals for lunch as well as snacks and drinks throug­hout the day.

Supervisory Teachers helps new stu­dents adjust and provide support.



The col­l­e­ges’ libr­aries give stu­dents access to information and resources they need in their studies. Here you also have access to compu­ters and prin­ters.

All course books are available at the library. You can borrow them to use in class or to read at the library.


Computer Services

All stu­dents have access to the col­l­e­ges’ compu­ters and computer systems.

You will receive an email with your username and password.

This email is sent to the email address you have reg­ist­ered in Inna.

Here is more information about computer services.



The Technical Col­lege Reykjavík campus is spread around the capital area.


Social life

Technical Col­lege Reykjavik has an active social life for stu­dents to participate in. The stu­dent council, NST, org­anises a variety of events with somet­hing for everyone.