
The maj­o­rity of our programmes emp­hasize vocati­onal training for the skilled trades. Our stu­dents also have the option of graduating with a mat­riculation exam­ination which many choose to complete in parallel with their vocati­onal training.

The many specialized fields we offer training in give stu­dents certification in their chosen trade and multiple options after graduation, both for empl­oy­ment and fur­ther studies at the uni­versity level.


Our Schools

Merki skólans á húsinu á Skólavörðuholti.

Technical Col­lege Reykjavík cons­ists of 8 schools and the Technical Aca­demy, offering around 50 study programmes and 800 courses each semester.

Each school has its own hea­dma­ster as well as educati­onal independence:

  • School of Building and Construction Trades
  • School of Design & Handicraft
  • School of Electrical Technology
  • School of General Academic Studies and Design
  • School of Information Technology
  • School of Marine Engineering
  • School of Navigation
  • Technical Academy:
    RAWD – Reykjavik Academy of Web Development
    RADE – Reykjavik Academy of Digital Entertainment
    Master Craftsmanship



The maj­o­rity of the school’s programmes are vocati­onal training programmes for the skilled trades. These programmes are upper secondary school level (fram­halds­skóli) and stu­dents must complete an app­renticeship of a certain length of time with a master craftsman or an industrial firm, to finish their studies.


Our History

Technical Col­lege Reykjavik was founded in 2008 but its history goes back to the 19th century.

The school traces its origins to four pillars of vocati­onal education in Ice­land:

  • The Navigational College, established 1891
  • Reykjavík Technical College, established 1904
  • Marine Engineering College, established 1915
  • Technical College of Hafnarfjörður, established 1928.

These institutions have merged into one, forming the lar­gest vocati­onal school in Ice­land.