

Progressive technical education

Creative study programme in game design, 3D and post-production.

The Reykjavik Aca­demy of Digital Entertain­ment (RADE) is well equipped, with a green-screen studio, audio studio, Moti­on Capture and excellent camera equip­ment.

The programme is project based to reflect the working environment of the digital entertainment industry and students are encouraged to adopt a mind-set of continuing education in preparation for the rapidly evolving requirements of their future professions.

General Information

During the first and second semester, students learn the basics of the main software and theories of the subject. During the third semester, students choose a field of specialization and the fourth semester is devoted to a final project that stu­dents work on independ­ently – with the support of teachers and industry professionals.

RADE offers a university level education where students graduate with a diploma after two years of study. On graduating, students have the option of taking a top-up Bachelors’ degree by completing a year at University abroad.


Welcome to Reykjavík Academy of Digital Entertainment

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

Greetings from the headmaster

Reykjavík Aca­demy of Digital Entertain­ment offers a university level education. Students graduating from our programmes have excellent employment options within the computer and digital sectors.

Ragnhildur Guðjónsdóttir

  • Skólastjóri Endurmenntunarskólans og Tækniakademíunnar
  • [email protected]
  • s. 514 9601 / 865 5954


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