
Our Schools

Our Schools

Technical College Reykjavik is the largest vocational school in Iceland. The college consists of 8 schools and the Technical Academy. Each school has its own headmaster as well as educational independence.

The maj­o­rity of our programmes emp­hasize vocati­onal training for the skilled trades. Our stu­dents also have the option of graduating with a mat­riculation exam­ination which many choose to complete in parallel with their vocati­onal training.

The many specialized fields we offer training in give stu­dents certification in their chosen trade and multiple options after graduation, both for empl­oy­ment and fur­ther studies at the uni­versity level.

Technical College Reykjavík prides it self on strong ties to Icelandic industry. The colleges main role is to educate people for the job market so we emphasize collaboration with companies and organisations for the benefit of our students, both in school and in their apprenticeships.