

06. October 2020

Classes October 6th – 16th

Classes in Tækniskólinn October 6th – October 16th

The org­an­ization for the next couple of weeks is taking shape.  Teaching will be as follows:

  • Students in special education program attend school onsite according to timetable
  • Students in Icelandic as a second language level 1 and 2 are partly in class and partly on Teams, level 3 and 4 are only on Teams
  • All general subjects, other than those in special education i.e. Icelandic as a first language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, gender studies, Danish, English, Spanish, lífsleikni (life skills), náttúrulæsi (nature literacy), cultural literacy, information technology and sports will be on Teams according to timetable
  • Other subjects will be either on-site or on Teams depending on the nature of the course.

In general:  You will receive information from your teachers if you are supposed to attend school in our buildings.  If you receive no information, the class is taught on Teams according to timetable.

The school can­teens will be closed during this week and next week.  Stu­dents are asked to eat in class.  It is very important that you do not mingle with stu­dents in other classes than your own.  I also want to remind you that wearing a mask is mandatory in our school build­ings and it is very important that everyone sanit­izes their hands upon arrival in the school and entrance and departure from the class­room.  It is also very important that you sanitize your work station (table and chair) and tools before and after class.

The school libr­aries will only be open for book loans (between 10 and 14) but stu­dents can book a time in our study labs or get help from the teachers in the study labs on Teams.  We also sug­gest you use phone or e-mail to talk with coun­sellors but if you want to meet a coun­sellor on-site you have to make an appo­int­ment on befor­ehand.

If you are having trouble using Teams you can find videos here:

In the end: These times are trying but it is important not to give up.  Let‘s finish the term together.

Best reg­ards,

Hildur principal