

07. December 2021

End of semester

End of semester

Dear students,

As the semester draws to a close, we would like to remind you of a few important things.  

Tests and assignments – information in Inna

Teachers have listed all tests and assignments in Inna so students can see all due dates and deadlines for assignments and dates and times of tests. 

We encourage students to review this information carefully and to contact their teachers for questions or comments. More detailed information regarding evaluation can be found on the school website. 

End of semester – information on last days of class 

The last day of classes is December 16th. Further information regarding the organization of individual courses is in Inna. 

December 13th to 16th are evaluation days and it depends on the course whether students have tests, assignments to complete or assignments to turn in. Teachers will inform their students about the organization of the evaluation days for their courses. 

December 16th – final grades posted and teachers available for TEAMS interview 

Final grades will be posted in Inna December 16th and teachers will be available on TEAMS from 10:00 to 12:00. We encourage students to use the opportunity to review the course evaluation and grades with their teacher. Students must contact their supervisory teacher if they fail a course and must change their course selection for next semester. 

December 17th – repeat exams for graduating students 

Students in their final semester who won’t be able to graduate due to failing one or two courses can be granted permission to repeat exams. Permission to repeat exams must be granted by the relevant headmaster and depends on the evaluation criteria of the course. If a course is practical, repeating exams is not an option. 

Students register for repeat exams with the school office and must pay a registration fee by the end of December 16th. Grades for repeat exams count as final grades for those courses.

Graduating students 

All students planning to graduate have now been registered. If a student planning to graduate is not registered as graduating in Inna, they must contact their headmaster as soon as possible.  

December 19th – Technical College graduation  

Technical College graduation fall 2021 will be held in Harpa Concert Hall Sunday December 19th at 14:00.

Student counsellors and school psychologist 

Students are encouraged to use the services of our student counsellors and school psychologist, available in December as other months. 

Studies next semester 

All students planning to continue their studies next semester should have confirmed their course selection for next semester and have paid the confirmation fee. If students need to make changes to their course selection for next semester, they need to contact their headmaster.  

Tuition fees 

Students who pay their tuition fees before or on the due date receive a 5.000 ISK discount on their tuition. The due date is announced in an email when the bill is sent out. Students who pay after the due date will go on a waiting list and can’t be guaranteed a place next semester.  

Best of luck!