Information at the beginning of the school year
Dear students and parental guardians
The first day of classes is Tuesday the 25th of August. I hope you have already accessed your timetables at
As previously announced, classes will be mix of on-site and distance learning for most students for the next weeks due to the restrictions in place because of COVID19. How much of your classes will be on-site depends on the subject and the class sizes. We will finish planning this and you will get information via e-mail in the latter part of the day or evening. I thus ask you to check and read your e-mail carefully next few days.
This past Thursday and Friday, new students born in 2003, 2004 and later attended a new student day in Hafnarfjörður and Háteigsvegur – a total of 6 groups. On Monday the rest (a total of nine groups) met in our building at Skólavörðuholt. If you are born 2003, 2004 or later and are a new student at our school you should already have gotten an e-mail about what time you are supposed to attend. If you are not sure please check your e-mail – otherwise you can send a e-mail og contact the school.
To parental guardians: A presentation for guardians of new students will be held later this week in Icelandic. It will be online and will be advertised both on our website and by e-mail which will be sent to registered guardians of new students in Inna. I plan to give a similar presentation in English the following week. If students are already 18 and want to give permission to their guardians to access information in Inna it can be done at
You can expect the first few days of school to be a bit confusing. We teach many different subjects in our school and it is quite complicated to find and implement the optimal way with the current restrictions in place. We however will do our very best to get everything going with everyone on board for a good and safe school year. We ask you all to check your e-mail frequently tomorrow and during the next days. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best regards, Hildur principal