Information due to COVID-19
Dear students
We will continue our mask mandate this week and we also ask you, in light of stricter COVID restrictions applied on Friday, to start every lesson by disinfecting your table/work station and your chair. Since only 50 people can gather now we have made some changes in our cafeterias. From today there will only be cold, packed food available there (pasta packs, skyr, sandwiches etc..) and drinks of course. This is so that food can be eaten at other locations in the school and to limit the number of people gathering in the cafeterias. Classrooms will be open at recess and food consumption allowed there unless otherwise specified.
I assume that you are as tired of the situation as I am, but I also know that we can do this. I want to thank you all wholeheartedly for your cooperation on this elongated COVID journey. We will finish this together.
Best regards,
Principal Hildur