

16. March 2020

Information regarding different teaching methods for the next weeks due to COVID-19

Dear students and parents/parental guardians

During the past days teachers and other staff members at Tækniskólinn have been working hard to prepare for a remote classroom for the next three weeks. Now you also have to prepare. This is what you need to to:

  1. Find your tskoli.is username and password (same username as you use to login to the school computers). If you don‘t know your username or don‘t remember the password you can go in here and reset it. There you have to put your personal e-mail – the same one that is registered in Inna – and push ,,request link“. You will then get an e-mail with the username and a new password. You have to respond to that e-mail within 15 minutes or else you have to redo it. Please note that it can take up to 2 hours for the new password to work so you might have to wait for that amount of time before going to step number 2.
  1. Install Microsoft teams in your computer and/or smart device (tablet/phone). You can find information on how to do that here: https://tskoli.is/fjarkennsla/ If you have any problems please contact [email protected] or use the webchat on our web tskoli.is.
  1. Check your information on Inna. Some students have old e-mails or phone numbers in there and it is more important than ever that the information in there is correct.

Please note that we will continue to use Inna as before. We only use Microsoft teams instead of the classroom that you normally attend classes in. You are supposed to show up on teams at the same time you are supposed to be in class. In some instances you will not be taught over teams or there will be a reduced number of hours. If that is the case your teacher will let you know about that.

Regarding attendance.

We want you to attend the remote online classes like you have attended classes in the school building. However, you will not be given absence (F) if you can not attend. We will use the following system of marking attendance:

  • M = student attended class online
  • D = student did not attend class online
  • X = online class was not held

This way you and your parent(s)/guardians can see your attendance, even though the attendance these three weeks can not lower your attendance grade at the end of the term (but good attendance can lift up your grade). We trust the you have the ambition to continue to „go“ to class. It is important to keep the routine during this time and to study hard as before. Even though not all the classes will be taught on-line (or maybe a fewer hours than usual) the teachers will be on Microsoft teams at the same time as the course is on your timetable and during that time you can contact the teacher directly.

We expect some difficulties during the first days because of these changes.

We want to ask you to be patient but not hesitate to ask for help if you need it. These are strange times which we will undoubtedly learn a lot from. Now we have to show independence in our studies, responsibility, tolerance and assist each other.

Give your parents/parental guardians access to Inna

At last I encourage those of you over 18 years old and living with your parents/parental guardians to give them access to Inna in order to give them a chance to see what is happening in your studies and support you. You will find instructions on how to do this here

I wish you the best of luck, Hildur principal