School after Easter
Dear students in Tækniskólinn
I hope you have had a good Easter break and will feel refreshed when we reopen tomorrow Wednesday April 7th and you return to school.
Starting tomorrow, teaching will be on-site according to timetables. In some courses however, classes will be held remotely in Teams and you will receive an email if that applies to you.
A new regulation that is in effect until April 15th states that no more than 30 people, including teachers, are allowed in the same location at the same time. If it is not possible to ensure at least 2 meters between persons, masks must be used. In Tækniskólinn however masks are always mandatory except while eating. It is important to always keep 2 meters from the next person while eating since masks must be removed to eat. I would also like to remind you of the importance of sanitizing desks and back-rests of chairs before classes start. Please note that while the current restrictions are in effect there will only be pre-packed lunches available in the cafeteria (pasta bowls, sandwiches etc.).
It is up to us to work together and to make sure that we always take the appropriate sanitary measures. I ask all of you to keep them in mind, practice the strictest sanitary measures and social distancing. This is essential to keeping the school open, which is our main priority. We will finish this term together.
All the best,
Hildur principal