

22. August 2023

Virtual meeting

Tækniskólinn SkólavörðuholtiDear par­ents and guar­dians

We would like to invite you to a virtual meeting in English for par­ents and guar­dians of stu­dents at Tækni­skólinn Technical Col­lege on Thursday August 24th at 20:00. The meeting is expected to take about an hour. You can find a link to the meeting here but it will also be available on the school‘s website.

In the meeting Guðrún vice principal, Jóna Dís and I along with staff from our support services will give short presentations about the school, the services off­ered, the Inna information system, the school‘s social life and more.

I would also like to point out that par­ents/​guar­dians of stu­dents that are enrolled in a HVAÐ class are also invited to a parent/​guar­dian cafe at school next Monday August 28th at 9:20.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday at 20:00.

Principal Hildur and ass­istant principal Guðrún

Here is a recording of the meeting in English.