Virtual meeting for parents and guardian
Dear parents and guardians
We would like to invite you to a virtual meeting in English for parents and guardians of students at Tækniskólinn Technical College on Wednesday August 24th at 20:00. The meeting is expected to take about an hour. Hera is a link to the meeting.
In the meeting me and Guðrún vice principal and staff from our support services will give short presentations about the school, the services offered, the Inna information system, the school social life and more.
I would also like to point out that parents/guardians of students that are enrolled in a HVAÐ class are also invited to a parent/guardian cafe at school on Monday at 9:15.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at 20:00.
Principal Hildur and assistant principal Guðrún
Here is a recording of the meeting in English.