
Students under 18 – Par­ents/​​guar­dians reg­ister sickness in Inna. They can also contact the school office by e-mail: [email protected].

Students over 18 –  Stu­dents over 18 reg­ister sickness in Inna.

Please note that teachers and other school staff are not permitted to reg­ister absences for stu­dents.


Instructions – How to register sick leave

1. When logging on to Inna, choose register absences on the front page of Inna:



2. Sick leave is reg­ist­ered by choosing the relevant date. Comm­ents can be added if necessary. Sick leave can only be reg­ist­ered on the day of the absence or one day in advance:

3. Sick leave reg­istration needs to be app­roved by the school before the stu­dents’ att­end­ance record is updated. When the sick leave reg­istration has been app­roved an email is sent to the person who made it.

4. When a sick leave reg­istration has been app­roved it is noted in the stu­dents’ att­end­ance record with the letter W.


If you register sick leave in Inna you do not need to notify the school by phone or turn in a doctors’ note.


Uppfært 27.08.2022